Give a Little Thanks ✨
/What does a written note or thank you have to do with PR or your personal brand?
So. Very. Much.
When I started in the PR journey at The Container Store many moons ago, the way we connected with editors was by literally reading the magazines and writing/typing/mailing physical, tailored letters to the editors to create a relationship.
Fast forward… it’s the same process just via email. And guess what, it’s powerful.
A few years ago, we landed Allegiance Flag Supply a front page business story in The New York Times on Christmas Day for a massive PR feature and we still celebrate. And that piece was a direct result of reading and writing an introduction note to an editor - now a friend. You can imagine our thank you note to her after the piece hit.
My middle daughter sat down and write the most beautiful, individual thank yous to some friends for her birthday gifts last month. I was so proud of her because to me - it’s a reflection of what is in your heart and taking the time to share that with others. This is just as powerful when building media, influencer and general brand relationships. To take the time to write the note.
The power of a glowing note makes a big impact at the start or as a relationship grows - and that is huge for your overall personal or business brand.
Let’s never lose this art!